Spacemasks Review

I picked up a box of five Space Masks last summer when there was so much hype about them online. You can buy a box of 5 Spacemasks for £15 plus P+P HERE You can also buy an individual Spacemask for £3.50 from Lobella Loves My interest was initially piqued when I kept reading in reviews the magic sentence "...helped me fall into a deep and satisfying sleep..." I Love Sleeping! And I'm good at it too! I'm very grateful not to be one of those people that have sleep problems. But there are several occasions when I know that I have to get up at silly o'clock in the morning (generally to go on a very long drive somewhere) and that seems to be the only time when I suffer sleep problems. You think so hard about having to wake up soon that you don't fall asleep and then when the alarm goes off, you feel terrible and not in the best state for a long drive or busy day. So I bought these masks for those occasions where I really ne...