Weekly Makeup Bag #4

Week Commencing 29th January Into week 4 and rather than getting bored, I'm getting more enthused as this mini project rolls on. I'm even getting a bit more militant (well, slightly) in that I've pared my choices back to just one palette this week. I found that with too many choices, I was dithering a bit with my eye make up - it wasn't really pushing me to try new looks. It's not like this is a makeup diet - I can always reach for that cream bun (aka shimmer eye shadow) if I feel I need that extra energy... let's see how it goes! * Foundation - The Ordinary Colours I've been using samples for so long that I'd forgotten what my current stash of foundations feel like! And straight away, going back to The Ordinary Colours - I'm reminded why I went on that search for the perfect foundation. This just isn't right! It's okay, but it settled in my pores on my cheeks and I just didn't feel satisfied. * Under Eye Conce...