September Skincare Empties 2019

I'm really pleased with how this month has gone for empties - feels like a good end of Summer clear-out. I've finished off several samples and small sizes that I found loitering around (which I didn't know I had!) and finished off lots of products that had been around too long. I also did a bit of de-cluttering. Mainly on makeup items that I felt were a bit too sparkly for me - I'm definitely aiming towards subtle and more natural as I get older! Key WR - Will repurchase or have already repurchased MR - Might repurchase at a later date. WNR - Will not repurchase. Either it didn't work for me, I didn't like it, it's too expensive or it had ingredients that didn't suit my skin. Skincare * Patyka - Spearmint Purifying Foaming Gel ( WNR ) I picked up a couple of Patyka products when I spotted them in T.K Maxx a few months ago, and was pretty excited to try them out. Sadly, neither of them really grabbed me. This Spearmint Cleansing Gel ...