Skincare Empties ~ April 2020

Phew! An enormous amount of empties this month as I work to finish products in my stash (and buy just a couple of cheeky newbies!). Everything else during this lock-down has gone absolute doolally - apart from my skincare and body care routines. It's nice to know that I can keep something together at least! Key WR - Will repurchase or have already repurchased MR - Might repurchase at a later date. WNR - Will not repurchase. Either it didn't work for me, I didn't like it, it's too expensive or it had ingredients that didn't suit my skin. Skincare * Cerave - Foaming Cleanser ( WR ) I think this is probably mu number one 'go-to' everyday cleanser. It's perfect for daily use, low foan, soothing and non-drying and great value for money. No thrills or drama here - but you can't beat this as a basic but effective first cleanser. * Optimum - Bedtime Cleansing Balm ( WNR ) Now this would have been great if it weren't for one n...