The Peri-Menopausal Skincare Survival Kit
* This post does contain some items which have been PR Gifted, but I'm including them as they really do work!
We all know it's coming, but if you're like me, you may not have given too much thought about the Menopause until you've started to experience some of the symptoms yourself.
At first, it may not be obvious. I spent the first few months experiencing new or heightened symptoms and spent so much time asking "Is it me, or...?"
For example, you're in a shop and suddenly their central heating suddenly feels unimaginably hot and stifling, you start to feel overheated, flustered and slightly claustrophobic - "Is it me, or is it hot in here?"
I've always been an anxious person, but then I start having more moments of anxiety about things that wouldn't usually bother me. Why is it getting worse? Is it 'just me' or what is going on?!
I'm usually a great sleeper, but then I start having really crazy dreams and disjointed sleep at night. Often waking up drenched in sweat after a particularly bad nightmare? "Did I leave the electric blanket on for too long before going to sleep?"
I start waking up stupidly early and cannot fall back to sleep so I ended up going downstairs, hours before anyone else in the house is awake.
I'm doing an everyday job and I suddenly go completely blank - what am I supposed to do next? Or I forget simple words or trail off in the middle of a sentence, forgetting what I was meant to be saying...
Things like this, and many other new and unexplained occurrences make it impossible to ignore that something is not quite right. You start to 'Google' your symptoms and one common explanation comes back at you after every single search.
It's the Peri-menopause.
It's the Peri-menopause.
Below is a table of the most general signs and symptoms of the Peri-Menopause. You may experience just a few of these, or maybe all of them to some degree or another.
I personally don't have all of the symptoms below, but the main ones that cause concern or are making my quality of life difficult at the moment are Insomnia and poor quality of sleep, heightened anxiety, aching joints, night sweats, reduced attention span, forgetfulness and 'Brain Fog'.
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I have been to My GPs to discuss my options, and obviously HRT is one of those options.
It was decided, for the time being, that I would try and tackle my issues with natural alternatives to start with. I'm certainly not going to rule out HRT in the future (for me personally, HRT in gel form sounds like the way I would like to go) but I just want to give it a few months to see if I can keep them in check by myself.
I was also offered anxiety meds and CBT - both of which I decided not to opt for the time being.
Here are some products that I'm finding essential whilst tackling the vast array of Peri-Menopausal symptoms.
For Night Sweats

For Night Sweats

MenoCool - Black Cohosh Tablets
30 tablets £10.99/60 tablets for £19.99
* These are usually included in the Buy one get one for 1p promotions - that's the best time to stock up!
This was the first supplement I turned to and the one that has been the most successful for me. They started to work pretty quickly and I could definitely notice an improvement with the night sweats. They also claim to relieve symptoms of hot flushes and temporary changes in mood. I can't say that I've noticed a marked difference in either of those though.
Check out more supplements which can help during the peri-menopause at Holland & Barrett. Other suggested supplements are Red Clover and Sage.
Restless Legs and Aching Joints
This is one of my biggest annoyances as it also really affects my sleep, which is already really poor. I absolutely hate that jumpy, twitchy feeling in my bones. It's worse in my legs and knees, but if it's particularly bad, it feels like my whole body (including my brain!) gets all twitchy and uncomfortable.
Clockface Beauty - Enhanced Recovery Body Oil
£25.00 for 30ml Buy HERE
Sustainably sourced clary sage oil works hand in hand with geranium rose, grapeseed, sweet almond, pomegranate seed, cypress and rosemary essential oil to deliver just the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants to revitalise both skin and muscle. Naturally antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, it’s a cooling, toning, calming remedy that quietly massages away stress and tension.
I often reach for this as a pre-bedtime massage for my legs and lower back area.
The act of massaging the oil into my skin is very calming and grounding, plus the scent of clary sage and geranium rose oil is very relaxing and does help me get to sleep faster.
Ziaja - Horse Chestnut Leg Gel
£2.22 for 100ml Buy HERE
I keep a tube of this by my bed. If my legs are particularly achy before bed, I'll apply this gel, but I've also been known to have to use it in the middle of the night too when the pain keeps me awake.
It's a cooling and soothing gel, and whilst you won't notice any immediate relief, it obviously works reasonably quickly or can at least 'distract' me so I can fall asleep again.
Hot Flushes
This is an area that I feel I can just 'walk through' currently. However, I don't ever intend to be a martyr to my symptoms and will address if I feel that they ever get too much to just try and 'brave it out'.
I do like to use a nice cooling facial mist for moments of fluster!
My current favourite is the Bespoke Aroma Refreshing Facial Mist (£4.25 for 30ml).
The mist has a gorgeous peppermint scent which is incredibly cooling and soothing. I find that a quick spray of this helps to 'snap' me out of any moments of fluster! But it's also great as a general facial mist throughout the day too.
30 tablets £10.99/60 tablets for £19.99
* These are usually included in the Buy one get one for 1p promotions - that's the best time to stock up!
This was the first supplement I turned to and the one that has been the most successful for me. They started to work pretty quickly and I could definitely notice an improvement with the night sweats. They also claim to relieve symptoms of hot flushes and temporary changes in mood. I can't say that I've noticed a marked difference in either of those though.
Check out more supplements which can help during the peri-menopause at Holland & Barrett. Other suggested supplements are Red Clover and Sage.
Restless Legs and Aching Joints
This is one of my biggest annoyances as it also really affects my sleep, which is already really poor. I absolutely hate that jumpy, twitchy feeling in my bones. It's worse in my legs and knees, but if it's particularly bad, it feels like my whole body (including my brain!) gets all twitchy and uncomfortable.
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£25.00 for 30ml Buy HERE
Sustainably sourced clary sage oil works hand in hand with geranium rose, grapeseed, sweet almond, pomegranate seed, cypress and rosemary essential oil to deliver just the right balance of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants to revitalise both skin and muscle. Naturally antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, it’s a cooling, toning, calming remedy that quietly massages away stress and tension.
I often reach for this as a pre-bedtime massage for my legs and lower back area.
The act of massaging the oil into my skin is very calming and grounding, plus the scent of clary sage and geranium rose oil is very relaxing and does help me get to sleep faster.
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Ziaja - Horse Chestnut Leg Gel
£2.22 for 100ml Buy HERE
I keep a tube of this by my bed. If my legs are particularly achy before bed, I'll apply this gel, but I've also been known to have to use it in the middle of the night too when the pain keeps me awake.
It's a cooling and soothing gel, and whilst you won't notice any immediate relief, it obviously works reasonably quickly or can at least 'distract' me so I can fall asleep again.
Hot Flushes
This is an area that I feel I can just 'walk through' currently. However, I don't ever intend to be a martyr to my symptoms and will address if I feel that they ever get too much to just try and 'brave it out'.
I do like to use a nice cooling facial mist for moments of fluster!
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The mist has a gorgeous peppermint scent which is incredibly cooling and soothing. I find that a quick spray of this helps to 'snap' me out of any moments of fluster! But it's also great as a general facial mist throughout the day too.
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Those £1 portable battery fans you get from the cheap shops? After catching my long hair in the blades on first use and almost having to cut my hair to untangle myself, I'd advise against them! Plus, they're pretty ineffectual.
On my wish-list is the Fan-U portable fan. It's a USB-powered small handheld fan and was actually designed by a mother who wanted to help her daughter when having hot flushes caused by chemotherapy. The fan is charged by USB and is quiet and discreet.
As mentioned above, there are various supplements targeted at menopausal symptoms.
I'm personally ambivalent about supplements as generally, you have to just trust that they're working as there's often no noticeable results (apart from the Black Cohosh).
As mentioned above, there are various supplements targeted at menopausal symptoms.
I'm personally ambivalent about supplements as generally, you have to just trust that they're working as there's often no noticeable results (apart from the Black Cohosh).
Krill Oil Supplements
Boots - Extra Strength Krill OIl £15.99 for 30 capsules
Whilst not necessarily marketed as a menopausal supplement, Krill Oil is a great source of Omega 3.
*Omega 3 can address a range of menopausal symptoms such as:
* Joint Pain - Omega 3 fats can reduce inflammation.
* Menstrual Pain - menstrual pain is often caused by substances known as prostaglandins which come in both 'good' and 'bad' form. Menopause promotes the bad kind, whilst Omega 3 promotes the good kind.
* Depression - Omega 3s work to improve mood and restore structural integrity to brain cells that are critical in performing cognitive functions.
* Osteoperosis - An increased intake of Omega 3s increases bone mineral content and produces stronger, healthier bones.
* Hot Flushes - Studies have shown that Omega 3 may not affect the intensity of hut flushes but may halve the frequency of hot flushes with the right dosage.
* Vaginal dryness - Fatty acids help to lubricate the body in general.
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I chose Krill Oil over Fish Oil after reading this article from Shabir Daya at Victoria Health.
Edit: Since starting to write this blog post (which has been in the making for several weeks now) - my aching joints are far less noticeable - and I'm thinking that's due mainly to the Krill Oil supplements.
Ingenious Beauty
Ultimate Collagen + £44.99 for 90 capsules (30 day supply)
Again, not marketed as a peri-menopausal supplement but the Ingenious Beauty Collagen + capsules do address several issues which you may find yourself dealing with.
These are on the expensive side, but I'm already on my third purchase as these are just incredible with very visible results within 10-12 days.
The capsules contain Marine Collagen Peptide which is a vital protein for healthy skin, hair and nails. Hyaluronc Acid - One molecule of HA can bind with up to 1,000 times its weight in water; leading to increased skin hydration and elasticity, along with a reduction in wrinkle depth. Astaxanthin - an antioxidant which is 6000 times more potent than Vitamin C. It has the ability to repair and protect your skin from UV damage, boost your immune system and aid muscle repair
The supplements are now available in Vegan form too.
Facial and Body Oils
One of the many symptoms of the peri-menopause is a change to our skin.
Having been a long-time of facial oils and using them (or an oil-based serum) twice a day, I haven't yet experienced any dryness issues on my face.
However, I do have the most maddeningly itchy forearms! After discounting any possible allergic reactions or insect bites, I had to concede that it was yet another peri-menopausal symptom!
For my arms I'll use any carrier oil or body oil that is closest to hand. I apply to my arms twice a day to keep the itching away.
I have so many facial oils that I could recommend but huge props must go to Nudge Boutique* and Joanna Naturals* who are British Indie natural skincare brands owned by the most amazing women, who are both sources of real inspiration and information regarding menopausal skincare issues.
And I can't not include my favourite facial oil - Lime & Lilac Light Facial Oil*, which is suitable for all skin types and all ages but I've personally found it to be one of the 'easiest' facial oils to use in my routines throughout the year.
*Products are PR samples.
Boots - Extra Strength Krill OIl £15.99 for 30 capsules
Whilst not necessarily marketed as a menopausal supplement, Krill Oil is a great source of Omega 3.
*Omega 3 can address a range of menopausal symptoms such as:
* Joint Pain - Omega 3 fats can reduce inflammation.
* Menstrual Pain - menstrual pain is often caused by substances known as prostaglandins which come in both 'good' and 'bad' form. Menopause promotes the bad kind, whilst Omega 3 promotes the good kind.
* Depression - Omega 3s work to improve mood and restore structural integrity to brain cells that are critical in performing cognitive functions.
* Osteoperosis - An increased intake of Omega 3s increases bone mineral content and produces stronger, healthier bones.
* Hot Flushes - Studies have shown that Omega 3 may not affect the intensity of hut flushes but may halve the frequency of hot flushes with the right dosage.
* Vaginal dryness - Fatty acids help to lubricate the body in general.
* Source
I chose Krill Oil over Fish Oil after reading this article from Shabir Daya at Victoria Health.
Edit: Since starting to write this blog post (which has been in the making for several weeks now) - my aching joints are far less noticeable - and I'm thinking that's due mainly to the Krill Oil supplements.
Ingenious Beauty
Ultimate Collagen + £44.99 for 90 capsules (30 day supply)
Again, not marketed as a peri-menopausal supplement but the Ingenious Beauty Collagen + capsules do address several issues which you may find yourself dealing with.
These are on the expensive side, but I'm already on my third purchase as these are just incredible with very visible results within 10-12 days.
The capsules contain Marine Collagen Peptide which is a vital protein for healthy skin, hair and nails. Hyaluronc Acid - One molecule of HA can bind with up to 1,000 times its weight in water; leading to increased skin hydration and elasticity, along with a reduction in wrinkle depth. Astaxanthin - an antioxidant which is 6000 times more potent than Vitamin C. It has the ability to repair and protect your skin from UV damage, boost your immune system and aid muscle repair
The supplements are now available in Vegan form too.
Facial and Body Oils
One of the many symptoms of the peri-menopause is a change to our skin.
Having been a long-time of facial oils and using them (or an oil-based serum) twice a day, I haven't yet experienced any dryness issues on my face.
However, I do have the most maddeningly itchy forearms! After discounting any possible allergic reactions or insect bites, I had to concede that it was yet another peri-menopausal symptom!
For my arms I'll use any carrier oil or body oil that is closest to hand. I apply to my arms twice a day to keep the itching away.
I have so many facial oils that I could recommend but huge props must go to Nudge Boutique* and Joanna Naturals* who are British Indie natural skincare brands owned by the most amazing women, who are both sources of real inspiration and information regarding menopausal skincare issues.
And I can't not include my favourite facial oil - Lime & Lilac Light Facial Oil*, which is suitable for all skin types and all ages but I've personally found it to be one of the 'easiest' facial oils to use in my routines throughout the year.
*Products are PR samples.
This is by no means an exhaustive list and I'm guessing my arsenal of protection may grow in the next few months, but I'm hoping that these products (or similar) may give you some relief if you are thinking about tackling these symptoms and not taking the HRT route just yet.
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