TonyMoly ~ The Fresh Phytoncide Pore Gel Cream Review

TonyMoly  ~The Fresh Phytoncide Pore Gel Cream

I'm coming to the end of this pot of pore gel cream which I have been using everyday, both morning and evening since I opened it nearly two months ago. But typically, there seems to be very little information about this online and it doesn't seem to be readily stocked and easy to buy!
I picked this up from T.K Maxx, which could explain why it doesn't seem like a popular product online (and I mean popular in readily available) as it was possibly an end of line product, hence the reason why it ended up in T.K Maxx.
The product
The Fresh Phytoncide pore cream gel is a lightweight gel cream in the same vein as the water/aqua gels. It contains 100% pure Hinoki Cypress Water instead of distilled water.
The cream is suited for oily/combination skin and acne troubled skin and enlarged pores.
The writing on the pot is all in Korean but I found a list of ingredients on the CosDNA site.
Scent and texture:
Best described as 'fresh' and clean! The cream does have Lavender in it and I can certainly detect it. It's a lovely watery, lightweight gel.
Top Tip: Lots of products don't come with spatulas - to keep your product clean and hygienic by not having to dip your fingers in with every use, these plastic mini ice cream spoons make great spatulas!
The gel cream almost turns to water as you apply it to your skin. It soaks in beautifully without leaving any stickiness or tackiness and a little goes a long way. This is the last step i my skincare routine at night (unless I'm using a sleeping mask) and in the morning I follow this step with spf.
I have absolutely loved using this cream this summer. It's uber refreshing and extremely hydrating. According to CosDNA, the cream contains Allantoin, which is an anti-inflammatory agent, and this is perhaps why it feels like an after-sun, cooling or soothing gel. This is personally, a great start pre-make-up and it also leaves my skin feeling very smooth.
I have totally been converted to using these watery gel creams as moisturisers and I would happily buy this again if it were easier to find! As it is, I have ordered another TonyMoly gel cream for my moisturising step - but it's the Green Tea Chok Chok Watery Cream.
I'm hoping that these types of cream will be moisturising enough in the winter as I love that they are so lightweight but do thoroughly hydrate and moisturise.
As a side note, I saw that L'Oreal had launched a new product which uses the same principles as the Korean style watery gels. I did pick up a sample of the new L'Oreal Hydra Genius to see how it matched up to the Korean gels.
Obviously a tiny sample can't give you a great impression, but I personally needed to see how my skin reacted to it as it contains Aloe Vera and I'm still not convinced that my skin gets on with Aloe well. It also contains Hyualuronic acid, which is an amazing source of hydration.
I was pleased to see that my skin didn't react badly to the Aloe Vera BUT I sadly didn't find the gel hydrating enough to use as a moisturiser in the last step of my routine. It might slot in nicely in the toner/emulsion part of the routine, but I have other products which I'm happier with, so this won't be a cheaper and more readily available option for me.


  1. تُستخدم اغطية grp في أنظمة تصريف المياه السطحية والمجاري في المطارات والموانئ نظرًا لتحملها للأحمال العالية ومقاومتها للظروف الجوية القاسية. وتغطية شبكات الصرف الخاصة بالمستشفيات والمرافق اماكن بيع اغطية الصرف الصحي التي تحتاج إلى أغطية مقاومة للبكتيريا والتآكل.

  2. بعض أنواع الأغطية معرضة للسرقة بسبب قيمتها كخردة معدنية، مما يؤدي إلى ترك الفتحات مكشوفة ويشكل خطرًا كبيرًا. حيث يمكن استبدال الأغطية القديمة باغطية grp في الرياض أو أغطية ذات تصاميم مضادة للسرقة، وتقوية التثبيت لمنع إزالتها بسهولة. فالأغطية غير المحكمة أو المكسورة تسمح بدخول الرمال والمياه غير المعالجة، مما قد يؤدي إلى تآكل الأنابيب الداخلية وزيادة تكاليف الإصلاح.


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