Unboxing - Look Fantastic Beauty Box April 2018

Look Fantastic Beauty Box - £15.00 per month (Free P+P) - Subscribe HERE

Back to the plain box this month with a nice Spring-like pistachio green and turquoise colour theme.
Box Design Score: 3/5 - I prefer the plain boxes and these colours are nice and fresh.
Before I even open the back, there is a really strong perfume smell and I worry that something has leaked! Comes with this month's Elle magazine and the Look Fantastic booklet.
I'm also too scared to look inside to see what's broken!
The reveal!
Excitement Score 2/5 - Nothing's broken but I immediately spot several products that I already own or have used before.
1. Nip + Fab Glycolic Fix Daily Cleansing Pads (Travel Size)
Excitement score - 2/5
I've bought a full size pot of these Glycolic cleansing pads previously and I ended up throwing about half the pot away because they started to smell like boiled cabbage and I assumed they went 'off'. So I'm not particularly excited to see these - especially since I've recently bought (and absolutely LOVE) the Superdrug Naturally Radiant Glycolic cleansing pads.
I like the little factoid in the box lid though!
2. Dr Botanicals Vegan Bergamot and Poppy Seed smoothing Body Exfoliating Bar (Full size)
Excitement Score - 2/5
This is the cause of the smell that made me think something had leaked! It's a really gorgeous smell and I'm much happier now I know nothing is broken. However, I feel a bit grinchy that my excitement level was so low. But, I'd recently been contacted by Dr Botanicals to test this very same product and I actually turned it down as I'm not really a fan of solid soap (unless for hands) and didn't feel that I was the right person to give an unbiased and honest review of it if I was going to be starting off with certain assumptions.
My interest is slightly piqued now I've gotten the product anyway, but I do prefer to use body scrub in the shower - but, we'll see...
3. Pur - Fully Charged Mascara (mini)
Excitement score - 3/5
Having just last week bought two new full size mascaras, I wasn't particularly overjoyed to see the inclusion of a mascara. I've not tried anything by Pur before, so that marginally raises my excitement level (which, let's face it, is nothing short of damp squib at the moment - Come on! Cheer up Love!)
4. Glamglow - Super Mud (mini 15g)
Excitement score - 3/5
This was the 'sneak peek' from last month's booklet. I've already received a sample of this spot-clearing treatment mask this year and although I was happy with it's performance, spots are not really something I have a problem with, so this is actually the one Glamglow mask I wouldn't choose first.
5. Nuxe - 48 Hour Moisturising Cream (mini 15ml)
Excitement score - 3/5
Oh surprise surprise! Yet another Nuxe mini product!
I don't mind Nuxe as a brand, but it's one of those brands which seems to feature far too often in beauty boxes. My moisturiser stash is by far the largest of all my products, so it'll be some time before I get round to trying this out.
6. Emma Hardie - Moringa Cleansing Balm ( 15ml mini pot)
Excitement score - 5/5
Hallelujah! She's reached the peak of excitement!
I do actually already own a sample of this (but bigger) but I'm happy enough to add this to my stash as it's one of the 'greats' in cleansing balms.
I don't mean to be such a Negative Nelly, but this box just really didn't wow me this month. It's been such a long and lethargic winter and I'm sure everyone is eager for the sun to start shining. But to me, this box matches the mood of this current drizzly, misty weather - you know Spring is supposedly right around the corner, but until it's actually here to stay, we're all stuck in this ambivalent gloomy rut.


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