Skincare Empties ~ March 2020

Well if this doesn't go down as the most bizarre month in the history of our lifetime! Life as we know it has changed completely, but, in fear of sounding too trite, my skincare routines have gone on! It's been a comfort to hold on to the familiar of my skincare routines. I haven't felt much like blogging this month - not when the world seems so precarious at the moment. But for my own peace of mind, and hopefully, something that still may hold a bit of interest, here is a run-down of my March 2020 empties. Key WR - Will repurchase or have already repurchased MR - Might repurchase at a later date. WNR - Will not repurchase. Either it didn't work for me, I didn't like it, it's too expensive or it had ingredients that didn't suit my skin. Skincare * Argentum - La Potion Infinie ( WNR ) When I first received this as a Latest in Beauty Pick I was very excited to try it. Argentum Apothecary is a cult brand which is highly thought of - an...