Weekly Make Up Bag #12

A new week and three new make up buys! I just had my face threaded and waxed for the first time and it's left me in a bit of a mess - itchy lumps along my jawline and general splotchiness. This is a bit of a pain as my skin was in great condition before I did this so I'm hoping it won't last too long! I've also decided not to wear any make up until it calms down a bit as I don't want to make it any worse. So I'm itching (literally!) to start wearing make up again as one of the benefits of threading facial hair is that you get a smoother canvas to work on! So here's what I've chosen for when this mess clears up a bit! * Primer - Laura Geller Spackle Treatment - I think I've used this once before but can't really remember what it was like! So I'm giving it another try. * Foundation - Bare Minerals Pro foundation (sample) - I picked up a sample of this at the end of last week to try out. If I use th...