Unboxing ~ Latest in Beauty December

Latest in Beauty Box December 2017 One of my favourite beauty subscription boxes as I get to pick which items I want, so there's never one of those disappointing 'filler items' that tend to come in most boxes. This month, I stayed with the 'Beauty Enthusiast' Box - choose six items for £15.00 (inclusive of P+P). Subscribe HERE This arrived on 23rd December and I actually wrapped it up and popped it under the Christmas Tree to be opened on Christmas Day! Ellis Faas - Concealer (Full Size) Value £22.00 ( BUY HERE ) Although the size was mentioned, I was still surprised to find that this was a full-size product! I don't wear concealer everyday as I sometimes find that it actually accentuates small lines and wrinkles rather than conceal them. However, I've used this once and first impressions weren't bad at all. Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Duo in Jingle Red Rock and Shimmer me Timbers Value (each) £14.99 Total Val...