Unboxing ~ Ichiko Bento Box ~ July

Ichiko Bento is a brand new beauty subscription box, based in England but filled with beauty, skincare and lifestyle products from Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
You can opt to subscribe to a classic box, which costs £14.00 (plus £2.99 p+p) or the Deluxe box which costs £26.00 (plus £2.99 p+p).
Being an absolutely brand new box, I decided to be a bit cautious and opt for the classic box.
There were several start-up problems for the company - the launch date was in May with boxes expected to arrive in June - but problems with shipping meant that the boxes only arrived mid-July.
I'll admit to becoming slightly more nervous about what to expect - an early sneak peak showed a tantalising glimpse of a SU:M32 product, which was an incredible enticement. However, a later 'sneak peak' showed a Konjac sponge, and while I have no issues with Konjac Sponges, I really didn't want to have yet another box filled with cheap filler products!
And then, just before the box was due to be shipped, Joanna (founder of Ichiko Bento) put up a preview picture of items that you might receive in the box, and then I started to feel pretty excited!
What I really love about this concept is that if you are new to K-Beauty, this box will add items into your beauty routine one product at a time - the first box featuring a selection of first step oil cleansers. Deluxe box subscribers could choose their full size cleansing balm, but I was happy to see what I would get, as all of these oil cleansers are on my wish-list.
So, here's my classic box:
A good sized, sturdy pale pink box with a very utilitarian Ichiko Bento logo on the top.
An introductory postcard and a little edit magazine. This month's edit is called 'Bloom'.
Some of the items had escaped from the inner tissue-wrapped goodies. But, it's a great start!
The items inside the tissue-wrap.
The full glory of the classic box!
Pretty delighted with what I received. There's not a single item here that I wouldn't use - and my fears were assuaged - no fillers!
The items:
*Travel size of DHC Deep cleansing Oil
* Jayjun Baby Pure Shining Mask
* Pure Smile Hello Kitty Oil in point pads
* Blossom Jeju 2 Step Lifting Petal Mask
* Kao warming eye mask
* Miirushop plush cat ears head band
* Livework Promenade Floral Notebook
The only thing I would have really loved to have received but didn't was the PeriPera Peri's Tint Water, but then all subscribers received an email saying that this item had been missing from the box and it would be sent separately. So, Yay! Such a great box.
I did have a nosey around Instagram to see if I was missing out much compared to the Deluxe box contents, but to be honest, there was very little difference - the Deluxe box had the addition of a full size cleanser, an Etude House cherry jelly lip patch and an Innisfree smooth lip scrub.
I'm very much looking forward to next month's box.
You can subscribe to the Ichiko Bento box HERE.


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